Why Choose Us?
Pilgrimage Tours’ president has been in the pilgrimage business since 1997 and has carefully studied the characteristics of many of the companies who provide the same services that we do.
That’s why you need to read the…
Five things that you must know before you select a tour operator.

Some of the ugliest surprises that pilgrims get are hidden costs. It can be painful, to say the least, to find fees and taxes that no one ever mentioned add up to hundreds of dollars.
Our price is always All-Inclusive. This means there is no additional surprise billing of your pilgrims for items such as airport taxes and gratuities. Pilgrimage Tours includes these expenses in its price. Ask about our no-guesswork, no-hassle tipping policy. Your tour price also includes first class hotels, deluxe motor coach with experienced driver and tour director, breakfast buffet and dinner daily, all admission/entrance fees, daily scheduling of Mass and much more.
Some tour operators set up trips that are next to impossible. We listen to our pastors and pilgrims who tell us about past pilgrimages they’ve taken. We’ve heard about elderly folks who had to hand carry luggage on cobblestone streets in Europe or for unreasonable distances through massive train stations. Sometimes, they simply couldn’t do it and others had to shuttle back and forth helping them in a race to not miss the next train. They tell us nightmare scenarios of 12 or more hour days, and then getting up the very next morning at 5:00 AM in order to make the next brutal day work. Oh yes, itineraries like that look amazing in a brochure, but I doubt that you’d want to be the traveler who endures a tour from you know where, would you?
Our itineraries are tested. Impossible days don’t happen. We dumped grueling itineraries years ago and we’ll warn overzealous tour hosts if a custom itinerary is, let’s say, a bit too ambitious. At the same time, we will give you everything that makes a pilgrimage great. Just check out our tours. You’ll be thrilled with what you see.
Have you tried to reach a real person at a pilgrimage tour operator, and even though you needed to leave a message, no one returned your call for days? How would you feel if you called with a problem or question and no one EVER returned your call? It happens!
Pilgrimage Tours personalized customer service takes the pressure off your shoulders with its expertise and knowledgeable staff that is always available to answer your questions. When your people call, they reach a live person and not a voice mail system with its endless loops and maze of directories, guaranteed. If you have to leave a message, we call back. We’re dedicated to serving our pilgrims.
There are literally hundreds of companies offering pilgrimage tours as part of their business. Of the many pilgrimage tour operators, you will find a significant number who either:
1) Are not catholic owned and operated
2) Have pilgrimages as a sideline business
3) Have little background and are not truly knowledgeable about pilgrimages
Pilgrimage Tours is a dedicated pilgrimage company. We do no other type of business whatsoever and have been in the pilgrimage business since 1997. We are 100% catholic owned and operated. If you’re a pastor leading a pilgrimage, wouldn’t you like to tell your parishioners these things about your tour operator?
How many times have we had pilgrims or pastors come to us wanting a tour that will go because they worked with a tour operator who cancelled them? We don’t keep count, but it happens all too often in this travel niche. Other so-called pilgrimage companies plan many tours over many dates, attempting to sell into those tours from far and wide. Many times these tours get cancelled due to low registration totals and a lack of support. Pilgrims are left disappointed, inconvenienced and sit waiting on refunds for months on end.
Pilgrimage Tours does not cancel tours. Our groups go!! Our tours are hosted by a member of the clergy who is actively building a group organized within a religious community. This method has always proven to be successful.
Pilgrimage Tours is 100% Catholic owned!
Integrity, Quality, Spirituality.
Pilgrimage Tours LLC
1766 Scherersville Road
Allentown, PA 18104
Phone: 800-278-1351
Fax: 610-799-5225
Our "All Inclusive" Tours Include:
Round-trip airfare, first-class accommodations with baggage handling, breakfast & dinner daily, expert tour director & local guides, deluxe air-conditioned motor coach with dedicated driver, all transfers & sightseeing, including all admission fees, all taxes & fuel surcharges, all gratuities for your tour director, bus driver, any local guides and all hotel personnel.